These children have been kidnapped for 6549 days, 10 hours

Please Help Smadar Hameiry Return to Israel with her Children

Smadar Hameiry needs your help to return with her children back home to Israel. Are you Smadar's friend or relative? Do you love Smadar? Do you want to help her resolve this very serious problem? Do you want to help Smadar's children? If you love Smadar Hameiry, then you MUST help her and her children return back home to Israel.

How can you help Smadar Hameiry return home to Israel with her children? First, you need to understand the reason she is not coming back home to Israel. Then you need to contact her ex-husband in Israel and explain to him what the problem is in order to find a solution and resolve the problem. Smadar will be happy to provide you the contact information, phone and email, of her ex-husband in Israel.

Smadar Hameiry says that she wants to go back to Israel, but that she is stuck in Brazil because her ex-husband refuses to give her permission to return to Israel. Obviously, this is NOT the problem.

So far, we have 3 possible explanations:

1) Smadar Hameiry is afraid that once she returns to Israel, the 3 children will be taken away from her because she committed an act of parental abduction. After checking with various officials in Israel what would happen after the children are returned to Israel, everyone said that the children will NOT be taken away from their mother simply because children of that age need to be MOST of the time with their mother.

2) Smadar Hameiry does NOT want to let the children have any contact with their father and she knows that if she returns with the children to Israel, the children will see their father. If this is the case, then you need to explain to Smadar Hameiry that she is hurting her own children by refusing to let them see their father, and that she must let the children see their father.

3) Smadar Hameiry is behaving just like a little child who wants to do exactly the opposite of what people tell her to do. If this is the case, then you need to tell her to grow up and start acting like an adult and like a responsible mother.

What happens when the children are returned home to Israel?

When the children are returned to Israel, Smadar Hameiry and her ex-husband need to talk to a family mediator and reach a custody agreement. The custody agreement will then be approved by the Israeli Court.

While the details of this agreement will be worked out once the children are back in Israel, there appears to be 3 clear principles on the way this agreement will look: First, the children will be most of the time with their mother. Second, Smadar Hameiry must allow the children to have contact with their father. Third, child support payments as determined by the Israeli Court will be made. The custody agreement will look similar to a regular divorce.

Please contact Smadar Hameiry and ask her what exactly is the problem. Ask her why she is refusing to return the children back to Israel. Then contact Smadar's ex-husband and explain the problem to him so a solution can be found.

Additional important notes:

1) Israeli Court officials advise both Smadar Hameiry and her ex-husband to stop talking to divorce lawyers because the objective of a divorce lawyer is to make money by extending the problem and increasing the fighting. The custody agreement MUST be done by mediators and NOT by lawyers. This will be much cheaper, faster, and better.

2) Smadar Hameiry MUST understand the importance of letting the children talk to their father. By not letting the children talk to their father and then telling them that their father has abandoned them she is causing her own children severe psychological and emotional trauma.

3) The main reason that any divorce court insists that the children MUST be allowed to see their father is not because their father has a right to see his children, which he does, but because the children MUST know that their father loves them very much. This is of vital importance for the healthy development of the children.

4) A lot of women who get divorced hate their ex-husbands and don't want to talk to them. Nevertheless, even those women insist that their children see their father because they understand that it's good for her children to see their father, and because the children are happy to see their father.

5) If Smadar Hameiry gets angry at you for trying to convince her to return the children to Israel and to let her children talk to their father, if she asks you how come you are not on her side, then you must tell her that you are on her side and that the best thing for her is to return home to Israel with her children.

What can you do to help Smadar Hameiry and her children?

You need to contact Smadar Hameiry by phone or email and ask her what is going on with this problem as reported in this page. What is preventing her from returning to Israel with her children? Understand the problem. Smadar Hameiry has her ex-husband's phone and email in Israel, get this information from her. Then contact Smadar's ex-husband by phone or email. Establish communication between them and help Smadar Hameiry return home to Israel with her children.

Also, please forward this information to all of Smadar's friends and family and to anyone that you think can help her return to Israel with her children.

Smadar Hameiry is being manipulated and given the wrong information by various people. But also her ex-husband has been manipulated by various people. Sometimes because of ignorance, sometimes for other reasons. The only solution is to communicate and bring the children back to Israel immediately. The children are NOT safe in Brazil.

It is written that a person who saves a life is like he has saved an entire world (Talmud Sanhedrin 37a). This is your chance to save Smadar Hameiry and her 3 children.


!!! THANK YOU !!!

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Please help us pray for the safety and good health of these children !!!

Please help us save these young innocent and beautiful children !!!

Please help us bring these children back home !!!

Please email us at if you have any helpful information.

Thank you !!!

Main Page is constantly being updated with new information and developments.

For additional pictures & info please click the links below:

| Yehezkel Hanan | Israel Haim | Yoshua Itai | Love |

| Divorce | GET | UCCJEA | Orders | Laws | Torah |

| Smadar Hameiry | Trauma | Abusive | Crazy |

| Psychological | Partners | Brazil | Disclaimer |

| Lawyer | Excuse | School | Justice | Cult |

| Hague | UNCRC | Stats | Video |

| FBI 1 | FBI 2 | FBI 3 | NCMEC |

| Help Smadar Hameiry return to Israel |

| Summary | Documentary |

| Extortion | Quotes |

Ignorance is Our Worst Enemy...

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until the abducted children are returned to Israel...
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