These children have been kidnapped for 6549 days, 10 hours

Summary and Conclusions

After returning home to Israel on February 2010, the left behind parent presented this case to the
Jerusalem Rabbinical Court and to the Civil Divorce Court in Tel-Aviv. He also consulted
about this case with an additional Rabbinical Judge and with officials from the Israeli
Ministry of Justice. The following is a good summary and the conclusions reached by the
various people and agencies involved in handling this case in Israel, Brazil, and the USA.

All Judges in Israel are always in favor of the woman in divorce and custody disputes. And in
this case, they told the left behind parent that they do not really care about anything he says, they only
care about what Smadar Hameiry says, but more important than her words are her actions.
So the left behind parent was very surprised to hear what the Judges concluded in regards to this case.

1. "Smadar Hameiry is a crazy woman from a family of criminals"

According to the Judges, there is really no valid excuse for kidnapping children from Florida,
because just like in Israel, all Florida Courts are also in favor of women in all divorce and
custody disputes. But what's even worse, only a crazy woman with severe mental problems
would not allow her children to talk to their father for such a long time. The Judges see the
actions of Smadar Hameiry as acts of violence and abuse against her own children.

The Judges also concluded that Smadar Hameiry's parents and brothers are criminals. This is
because they are supporting the crazy and criminal actions of Smadar Hameiry. The Judges
stated that anybody who supports the criminal actions of Smadar Hameiry is a criminal.

2. "The Brazilians are a bunch of criminals"

One of the Judges got upset with the Brazilian Central Authority and the Brazilian Federal
Court for not letting Smadar Hameiry go back to Israel on August 2009. According to the
testimony given by Smadar Hameiry, she wanted to go back to Israel, she even obtained
a Court Order stating that she can return to Israel with the children, but the BCA
and the Brazilian Federal Court handling the abduction case blocked their return.

3. "The Americans are worse than the Brazilians"

All Judges and other Israeli officials stated that the official policy of the USA is NEVER to
recover any abducted children. They all know several cases of abducted children that
Israeli Judges ordered to be returned to the USA, but the USA did not take back.
Additionally, the various agencies in the USA provide false information to the
left-behind parents so that they can never recover their abducted children.

4. The left behind parent is "the luckiest man in the world"

The Judges stated that the left behind parent is "the luckiest man in the world" because Smadar Hameiry
was not able to go back to Israel with the children. If Smadar Hameiry would have returned
home to Israel before he did, then he would have been advised NOT to go back to Israel.

5. "The Children were abducted by Chabad"

All Judges and other Israeli officials concluded that "the children were abducted by Chabad."
The left behind parent did not even had to tell them the whole story about how Chabad is involved in
this abduction, all he had to say is that the children were studying in a Chabad school in
Florida, and the rest of the story they already knew and explained it to him. They have
seen so many times the same story, from the employment contract of Smadar Hameiry,
and all the other strategies Chabad uses to separate children from their parents.

One of the Judges stated that "the most important reason for bringing the children back home to
Israel, is to separate the children from Chabad, so they don't become Chabad drug-dealers."


Basically, there are 2 questions:
1. Why were the children abducted to Brazil? and
2. Why were the abducted children not recovered?

"The children were abducted because you got married to a crazy woman and because you placed
your children in a Chabad school. If a man is married to a crazy woman and he places his
children in a Chabad school, Chabad will always steal those children away from him."

"The reason that your children were abducted to Brazil is that the Chabad school in Florida
found out that you were planning to move your children to a different school. So they decided
to transfer your children from the Chabad school in Florida to the Chabad school in Brazil."

"The official policy of the US government is NEVER to recover any abducted children, and
the official policy of the Brazilian government is NEVER to return any abducted children."

"The Hague Convention is a Fraud, a Scam, and a Complete Waste of Time"

The following is a summary of the Hague proceedings between the USA, Brazil, and Israel:

The left behind parent contacted the US Central Authority (USCA) just days after his children were abducted
to Brazil. The USCA sent the documents to the Brazilian Central Authority (BCA) about 3 months
after the children were abducted, and the BCA received the documents a month later.

About 20 months later, 2 years after the children were abducted, the documents reached the Brazilian
Federal Court handling the Hague case. The Judge stated that because the children had already been
in Brazil for such a long time they cannot be returned to Florida. Nevertheless, once the BCA sent
the documents, the Brazilian Federal Court and the Brazilian Federal Prosecutor worked very fast.
The work of the Brazilian Federal Prosecutor was excelent, much better than what any private
lawyer could have done. The big problem was the Judge and the long delay caused by the BCA.

After receiving the Court decision, the left behind parent sent a proposal to the BCA saying that because he
knew that Smadar Hameiry wanted to move to Israel with the children, he proposed that Smadar
and the children go back to Israel, and once in Israel that the case be handled as a regular divorce
case, and that he would pay whatever child support he has to pay as determined by the Israeli Court.

After about 4 months the left behind parent was told that Smadar Hameiry and her Brazilian lawyer had accepted
the proposal and had signed a document that said that he can now contact the children at their
residence (Smadar and the children were living in her parents apartment), and at the school.

The left behind parent contacted the phone numbers that were given to him in the document signed by Smadar and
her lawyer. At the school he was told that they did not care what any Judge says or what any Court
Order says, and that they had received strict orders from Smadar Hameiry NOT to let the children
talk to him. When he called Smadar's parents house, they just hanged up the phone on him.

At the end of June 2009, Smadar Hameiry called the left behind parent from Israel and told him that in order
to go back to Israel with the children she needed to get from him a notarized letter, certified by
the Brazilian consulate in Miami, saying that he gives her permission to travel with the children to
Israel. During the conversation the left behind parent asked Smadar Hameiry if now she would let him talk
to his children, but she refused saying that once the children are in Israel he can come and visit.

On 7 August 2009, Smadar Hameiry obtained from a Brazilian Court (apparently not the same Court
that was handling the Hague case) a Court Order saying that Smadar Hameiry can travel back to
Israel with the children. But on 8 August 2009, the Brazilian Federal Court overuled that Court
Order and prevented Smadar Hameiry from traveling back to Israel with the children.

The left behind parent received a copy of the ruling of 8 August 2009 from the USCA only until December 2010.
Before then, the USCA denied that such an order existed and he was told that Smadar Hameiry did not
want to go back to Israel. On that ruling the Judge says that Smadar Hameiry cannot take the children
back to Israel because then Brazil would not be able to fulfill its obligations towards the USA under
the Hague Convention. That is, they would not be able to return the abducted children to the USA.

After returning home to Israel in February 2010, and for the next 18 months, the left behind parent tried to
convince the Israeli Central Authority (ICA) to take over the case from the USCA, and to request
from the BCA that the children be returned to Israel instead of Florida. He also contacted the
BCA and USCA directly and told them to return the children to Israel instead of Florida.

The USCA would have loved to transfer the case to the ICA, but the ICA refused to take it giving
several reasons: "The children were abducted from the USA, therefore the USA has to handle the
case." "It is pointless to transfer the case to the ICA because the BCA is also not going to return
the children to Israel." Various people concluded that the real reason that the ICA did not want
to take over the case was because they did NOT want to have Smadar Hameiry back in Israel.

Also on December 2010, the USCA forwarded a letter from someone at the BCA: "Brazil is NEVER going to
return the children to the USA or to Israel. And even if Smadar Hameiry wants to go back with
the children to Israel, we are never going to let those Jewish children go back to Israel."

"No one is preventing Smadar Hameiry from returning home to Israel with the children"

After receiving Smadar Hameiry's response, the Rabbinical Court in Jerusalem, as well as the Civil
Divorce Court in Tel-Aviv, concluded that Smadar Hameiry does NOT want to return home to Israel.
"The Brazilian government cannot prevent Smadar Hameiry from returning home to Israel with the
children. A situation has developed where the left behind parent is saying through an Israeli Court that
he wishes that his children come back to Israel. All that Smadar Hameiry has to do is say
that she wants to return home to Israel with the children, and no one will stop her."

"The best way is for Smadar Hameiry and her ex-husband to reach a custody agreement for the children
through an Israeli mediator. The agreement will then be approved by the Israeli Court. And as soon
as Smadar Hameiry is back in Israel with the children she will get a lot of money. Alternatively,
she can just get into a plane and bring the children back to Israel and make the agreement once
she is back in Israel. If the Brazilian government is not letting her leave the country with
the children, all that she has to do is ask for help at the nearest Israeli Consulate."

All Judges stated that they are in favor of letting the children talk to their father. "It would be
very good for the children to talk to their father. Once back in Israel the children would be
living with their mother until they are all grown up, but during that time it would be very
beneficial for the children to spend as much time as possible with their father."

"Smadar Hameiry has to ignore and forget about the various Courts, the lawyers, the police, her
parents and brothers, her chabad 'friends', the bad advice she is getting from all those people,
and decide where does she want to live. Does she want to live in Brazil or in Israel? Does she
want her children to grow up in Israel or in Brazil? This is the only important question."

All the Judges agreed that "the best thing that Smadar Hameiry can do for herself and for her
children is to bring them back to Israel and to let the children talk to their father."

"But if she wants to come back to Israel and continue behaving like a 'crazy animal', meaning, if
she does not intend to let the children talk to their father once she is back in Israel, then
it's better that she stays in Brazil, because we do not need crazy women in this country."

The left behind parent contacted various mediators and presented the case to them. They said that they have
resolved many similar cases in the past, and that an agreement can be made in as little as 4
hours, 2 hours with each side, but because Smadar Hameiry is not in Israel they can only
contact her if a Judge tells them to do so, or if Smadar Hameiry contacts them first.

The left behind parent asked the Judge to tell the mediators to contact Smadar Hameiry, but the Judge replied
that, "while this is indeed the best way to resolve this situation, Smadar Hameiry has to initiate
the process, either by requesting a mediator through the Court, or by contacting the mediator
directly. But it seems that she doesn't want to return to Israel or to let you talk to your children."

Everyone in Brazil, Israel, and the USA agrees that the solution to this abduction is for Smadar Hameiry to
sign a custody agreement with the left behind parent. "As soon as Smadar Hameiry signs a custody agreement with her
ex-husband, she will be able to take the children back to Israel. The best thing for the children is to have
contact with their father, Smadar Hameiry MUST ALLOW THE CHILDREN TO TALK TO THEIR FATHER."

A Judge said: "There is nothing we can do to convince Smadar Hameiry to bring your children back to Israel.
But this is not the problem. The problem is that we cannot do anything to prevent her from coming back."

"Everything that Smadar Hameiry says is a LIE"

One of the Judges stated that "everything that Smadar Hameiry says is a lie". Ironically, the left behind parent told
the Judge that not everything Smadar Hameiry says is a lie because, one, the Brazilian government is really not
allowing Smadar Hameiry to bring the children back home to Israel, and, two, Smadar Hameiry did spoke to two
Florida lawyers before going to Brazil and they both advised her to kidnap the children to Brazil.

In response the Judge said that "no one is preventing Smadar Hameiry from bringing the children back home to Israel.
All that she has to do is ask for help to any Israeli Judge or mediator, she can get help from the Israeli consulate
in Sao Paulo, or she can just get on a plane with the children and come back home to Israel. No one will stop her."
Also, "a situation has developed where a woman is saying she wants to return back home to Israel with her children, and
the children's father is saying, through an Israeli Court, that he wants his children back in Israel. So the Brazilian
government cannot prevent Smadar Hameiry to return home to Israel with her children, if she really wishes to do so."

And in regards to the two Florida lawyers who advised Smadar Hameiry to kidnap the children to Brazil, the Judge stated that
"each person is fully responsible for their own actions. If a lawyer tells you to rob a bank, would you do it? Of course not!
To commit a crime and then say that you did it because a lawyer told you to do so, is not a valid excuse. It appears that Smadar
Hameiry decided to kidnap the children to Brazil before she spoke to those two lawyers. Maybe she was looking for an excuse for
kidnapping her children to Brazil, which she knew was a crime. Otherwise, she would have simply taken the children to Brazil
without talking to any lawyers." Furthermore, "the two lawyers who conspired and assisted Smadar Hameiry in kidnapping the
children to Brazil are criminals who should be in jail because of this abduction. It was very stupid for those two lawyers to
get involved in this crime, and the only reason they are not in jail today is because the Police is more stupid than them."

The Judge continues: "So everything that Smadar Hameiry says is a lie." You can clearly see that some of the lies being said by
Smadar Hameiry are simply the standard lies that her lawyers told her to say. Maybe she thinks she is talking to one of her friends
and not to a Judge with more than 30 years of experience of dealing with these type of women every single day. The Judge also got
upset at the left behind parent for trying to defend her ex-wife: "Why are you defending her? Can't you see she is completely crazy?"

One of the Judges stated that if he could give some advise to Smadar Hameiry he would tell her that "the best thing she can do is to
return to Israel with the children, and to let the children talk to their father." But the other Judge said that "if Smadar Hameiry
wants to bring the children back to Israel, but plans to continue preventing her children from talking to their father, then it's
better that she stays in Brazil and never come back to Israel." And the third Judge stated that he hopes that Smadar Hameiry
"never comes back to Israel: If Smadar Hameiry wants to hurt her children it's better she do it in Brazil and not in Israel".

"The children are NOT safe with their mother"

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Please help us pray for the safety and good health of these children !!!

Please help us save these young innocent and beautiful children !!!

Please help us bring these children back home !!!

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Thank you !!!

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